On average, 120,000 vehicles drive over the Brooklyn Bridge every day. What if each displayed a poem that could be read by the 4,000 pedestrians and 2,600 bicyclists that cross the bridge as well? Bumpers suggests that an alternative medium has the power to bring poetry to the streets. Bumpers is a collection of twelve genuine crack-'n-peel bumper stickers designed and printed letterpress by Kyle Schlesinger with the assistance of Hannah King in two or three colors each. Contributors commissioned to compose poems specifically for this project are David Abel, Bill Berkson, Johanna Drucker, Craig Dworkin, Michael Gizzi, Michael Gottlieb, Ted Greenwald, Dorothea Lasky, Hoa Nguyen, Tom Raworth, Kit Robinson, and Carolee Schneemann.
Boxed edition.
ISBN: 9780982792698